General Info, Policies and Fees
REGISTRATION: All new and returning students must pay a one time, yearly registration fee. These fees are the same whether you take dance, art, yoga or music classes.
Annual Family Registration Fee……………..$20.00
1 hr………………….. $45.00/mo
Abundance's Yoga program is an annual fee, paid in 9 equal installments. This fee is based on the number of hours of study each week. While some classes may meet five times in one month and three in another, the monthly rate remains the same. Please refer to the studio calendar regarding these breaks.
Absences may be made up within one month of the missed class. There are no refunds or reductions for missed classes. Please speak to Natalia if special consideration is needed in the event of extended absence due to illness or injury. Arrangements must be made in advance for any extended absence due to sports or vacation.
Dress Code:
A dress code has both practical and aesthetic purposes. The study of yoga is a physical discipline that requires teacher supervision. Proper attire in class enables the teacher to give corrections regarding body alignment and insures the safety of the child. We ask that no jeans are worn to yoga. Children can wear fitted yoga pants or shorts. Spandex tanks or t-shirts are fine. Hair must be kept off the neck and pulled back from the face. Jewelry is not allowed in class and should be left at home. Any student who does not have proper attire may be asked to observe rather than participate in class.
Summer Programming:
abundance offers a fun and exciting Summer Program! Children can enjoys camps and regular classes.
At abundance we want every class to be a positive experience. One key to this is communication. If you or your child encounter a problem of any kind please bring it to the attention of the teacher right away. No concern is ever considered insignificant, but we can’t fix a problem if we are not aware of it. Your success in class and your enjoyment of the art of Yoga is our constant and primary goal.
We encourage exposure to professional dance by providing many different educational opportunities. Master teachers are brought to the studio and dancers may choose to participate in regional workshops and master classes.
General Info, Policies and Fees
REGISTRATION: All new and returning students must pay a one time, yearly registration fee. These fees are the same whether you take dance, art, yoga or music classes.
Annual Family Registration Fee……………..$20.00
1 hr………………….. $45.00/mo
Abundance's Yoga program is an annual fee, paid in 9 equal installments. This fee is based on the number of hours of study each week. While some classes may meet five times in one month and three in another, the monthly rate remains the same. Please refer to the studio calendar regarding these breaks.
Absences may be made up within one month of the missed class. There are no refunds or reductions for missed classes. Please speak to Natalia if special consideration is needed in the event of extended absence due to illness or injury. Arrangements must be made in advance for any extended absence due to sports or vacation.
Dress Code:
A dress code has both practical and aesthetic purposes. The study of yoga is a physical discipline that requires teacher supervision. Proper attire in class enables the teacher to give corrections regarding body alignment and insures the safety of the child. We ask that no jeans are worn to yoga. Children can wear fitted yoga pants or shorts. Spandex tanks or t-shirts are fine. Hair must be kept off the neck and pulled back from the face. Jewelry is not allowed in class and should be left at home. Any student who does not have proper attire may be asked to observe rather than participate in class.
Summer Programming:
abundance offers a fun and exciting Summer Program! Children can enjoys camps and regular classes.
At abundance we want every class to be a positive experience. One key to this is communication. If you or your child encounter a problem of any kind please bring it to the attention of the teacher right away. No concern is ever considered insignificant, but we can’t fix a problem if we are not aware of it. Your success in class and your enjoyment of the art of Yoga is our constant and primary goal.
We encourage exposure to professional dance by providing many different educational opportunities. Master teachers are brought to the studio and dancers may choose to participate in regional workshops and master classes.