Toddler Daycare
The Toddler year is very critical period for the development of self, interpersonal skills, emotional regulation, autonomy and of course synthesizing practical life aims. Washing hands and becoming independent potty users are a big focus here for this class. Circle times become more intentional, works and extended projects gain complexity, arts engagement shifts and becomes more concentrated, parallel play all but disappears and the children learn to actually play as a community. This is where make believe magic truly begins❤️❤️❤️❤️ Through this year the toddlers will learn who they are in relation to the expectations within their environment, the greater world and worlds in which their imaginations take them. By the end of the year our aim is to help support self actualized competent learners who have the needed social skills to head to pre school. It's one of the biggest years for growth and development that we see. Thankyou for trusting us with such a beautifully transformative time for your children What Most Children Do at This Age: Social/Emotional