Kids Music Program
Online Registration: if you are enrolling a new student, register online and email the office to schedule your lessons. It is a Parents obligation to register for lessons online, communicate with the office to schedule lessons or make any changes that effect your monthly bill once you are registered. This would include adding additional lesson time, joining a group class, ect. Please always update information on Jackrabbit where we handle registration and payment processing. If you communicate solely with an Instructor we run the risk of missing something in the office and not charging you accordingly. Email us in the office at: [email protected] or call at 307-460-3218. Email does work best. Although communicating directly with your instructor is fine, we have to be in the loop and handle all scheduling/billing.
Tuition: All new and returning families must pay a $20 registration fee payable to abundance at the beginning of the year. This fee covers the cost of assignment notebooks, borrowed books, technology and recitals. Monthly tuition will be automatically withdrawn from your account on the fifth of each month. Students should commit to lessons for the full school year, September and continuing through May. Students are financially responsible for the first two months of tuition regardless of withdrawal. If unforeseen circumstances require a student to terminate lessons mid-year, one month’s paid notice is required to end lessons. Tuition is annualized meaning the price you will be charged is consistent every month. Some months, say within December, because of Christmas Break, your child may only have three lessons. Another month they will have 5 to balance it all out. No matter what tuition remains the same.
(includes one monthly group lesson) dates and times tba
30 minute lesson – $94/month
Music Makers (ages 3-7)
30 minute lesson- $38/month
Modern Band (ages 7+)
45 minute lesson- $45/month
Children's Choir (ages 6+)
30 minute lesson- $38/month
Withdrawal and Tuition Refund Policy: If a student chooses to withdraw from lessons, a 30-day written notice to the office at abundance is required. Verbal requests will not be honored. Failure to attend lessons does not qualify as notification. Failure to notify the office does not release a student from his/her financial obligation. Absent a written notice, full payment of monthly tuition will be expected. Partial refunds may be considered for extenuating circumstances such as prolonged illness or injury.
Delinquent Accounts: Abundance reserves the right to terminate instructional activities for any unpaid account balances.
Attendance: Each student has a designated lesson time and is responsible for that time. Regular attendance of lessons is the responsibility of parents and students. abundance expects students to regularly attend lessons and be prepared for each lesson.
Tardiness and Missed lessons: Except in the case of illness, lesson cancellations must be made 24 hours in advance. Cancellations and/or expected tardiness notifications must be made by telephone to our office and direct contact with your instructor. Lesson times will not be extended due to late arrival. Tuition is due regardless of missed lessons and refunds will not be given for no-shows or tardiness or without prior notice. Morning of due to illness is ok! Students are expected to notify the studio of any impending absences. Instructors may offer make-up lessons under certain circumstances, when advance notice is provided, but are not obligated to do so as their schedules are very packed. When make -up lessons are offered they may be scheduled out sometime within the semester and may not be immediate. Students will be allowed to reschedule three lessons per year. Excessive absence becomes unmanageable for our teachers to make up. If a teacher is absent for a lesson, a make-up lesson will be scheduled at a mutually convenient time or a substitute instructor may teach the lesson. If we have to cancel your lesson and a make up lesson cant be arranged we will refund or credit your account.
School Closings: If abundance is closed for an emergency such as bad weather, a public announcement will be made on Facebook. Lessons missed due to emergency closings may be rescheduled if space and time permit.
Behavior and Lesson Etiquette: Students are expected to treat each other, the staff and the building with courtesy and respect. Any discourteous or disrespectful behavior will result in immediate dismissal from the school. No food or drinks are allowed inside the music rooms except for water. Students should use the restroom and wash their hands before lessons. Students are expected to comply with all reasonable requests of their instructors. Parents are permitted and encouraged to sit in on student lessons but may not participate in a lesson. The expectation is to have the teacher engaging only with the student during direct instruction. Siblings, are not permitted to sit in on lessons as they can cause unnecessary distractions. Parents who choose to sit in on student lessons must refrain from making distracting noises and/or interjecting commentary or asking questions. Please save all questions for the end of the lesson before departing. Students are expected to be prepared for every lesson with their instrument, music, notebooks and completed assignments.
Instruments: Students are expected to have their own instruments and/or have access to an instrument for lessons and practicing. Students are expected to arrive for lessons with instruments in good working order. It is strongly recommended that piano students have an acoustic piano for practice (although better-quality electronic pianos may suffice at the early level). The quality of a student’s home instrument plays a significant role in the potential for success. Instructors can help with instrument selection. Note: Acoustic pianos should be tuned at least once a year and kept in working order. If you prefer a digital piano, please invest in a full-size keyboard (88 keys) with weighted, touch-sensitive keys and pedals.
Supplies: Students will be responsible for purchasing all lesson books recital repertoire and technique books as selected by instructors. Instructor will recommend technique book upon registration. Guitar kiddos need to have picks, a tuner and extra strings in their case. String students must provide their own rosin.
Summer lessons: Although not required, it is strongly recommended that students continue lessons during the summer in order to maintain the skills they acquire during the school year. Students who do not enroll for summer lessons are not guaranteed a spot in the studio for the next year as we do schedule summer lesson kiddos first for the returning Fall.
Drop-offs and Pickups: Abundance is not responsible for students whose parents fail to pick them up following the conclusion of lessons. To ensure your child’s safety, please be sure to pick him/her up promptly after classes or lessons. Children waiting in the abundance lobby are NOT supervised. Neither teachers nor administrative staff is responsible for supervising children outside of instruction times.
Recitals: There will be two recitals during the school year. A letter which provides information regarding these recitals will be given in advance. Once informal and one formal Spring Showcase at the Gryphon. For this show there is a $20 recital fee that covers tickets for all immediate family members. We always suggest a $5 donation at the door for additional guests. We will send out recital information before Spring Break to notify times, expectations, ect.
Practicing: Concentrated, regular practice times are essential to student progress. Students are expected to complete homework and to practice the recommended periods as assigned by their instructor. Students need access to daily, non-interrupted time for practicing. The most important time for students to practice is right after their weekly lesson, to solidify what they have just learned. Research has shown that retention of new knowledge drops to 60% after just 24 hours. Students should not “cram” right before their lesson. Students should practice at least 5 days per week. Students should complete assignments written in their assignment notebooks each time they practice. *Note: Beginners may require supervision and guidance from parents during the early stages of practicing.
Family Responsibilities: Parental involvement is crucial for student success. Please help your student establish and maintain a practice routine. If you are the parent of an elementary-aged student, please plan to sit with your child for a portion of their daily practice time. It is the role of parents and instructors to give encouragement and help students maintain an interest in musical progress. Your attitude toward your child’s music helps mold his/her musical likes and dislikes. Please encourage your child to do the best he/she can in all of the music. Your student and their teacher count on you to ensure that your student: arrives early for lessons, is prepared for lessons with their music and instrument, is picked up promptly following his/her lesson and practices every day.
Communication: The assignment notebook is the instructors’ means of communicating expectations, assignments, scheduling reminders and progress. We encourage you or your child to come to our staff with any concerns. As there will not be time for conferences between lessons, please schedule a time with your instructor to discuss any issues or a student’s progress.
Extra-Curricular Activities: Although this is a private music studio and is not affiliated with any school district, it is no less an educational institution and must be regarded as such. It is the position of this studio that lessons are to be treated with the same level of importance as any other subject your child may be studying in school or extracurricular activities that he or she may be involved with. Please respect the curriculum and the institution’s commitment to musical education by maintaining a priority level for musical studies equal to that of other school subjects.
Media Release: Photos of students and video/audio recordings of student projects/performances may be posted online and used by the instructor for promotional and workshop materials. Identifying information will be excluded or limited to first names only. Parents wishing to exempt their students from any published media may do so by providing a written exclusion request.
Nondiscrimination Policy: Abundance does not discriminate on the basis of age, race, color, nationality, ethnic origins, disability, religious beliefs, gender, or sexual orientation in its employment practices or in administration of its educational policies.
Special Needs / Access: If you or your child has any special needs, please contact the office. abundance is committed to accommodating differences so that the arts are accessible to all.
Tuition: All new and returning families must pay a $20 registration fee payable to abundance at the beginning of the year. This fee covers the cost of assignment notebooks, borrowed books, technology and recitals. Monthly tuition will be automatically withdrawn from your account on the fifth of each month. Students should commit to lessons for the full school year, September and continuing through May. Students are financially responsible for the first two months of tuition regardless of withdrawal. If unforeseen circumstances require a student to terminate lessons mid-year, one month’s paid notice is required to end lessons. Tuition is annualized meaning the price you will be charged is consistent every month. Some months, say within December, because of Christmas Break, your child may only have three lessons. Another month they will have 5 to balance it all out. No matter what tuition remains the same.
(includes one monthly group lesson) dates and times tba
30 minute lesson – $94/month
Music Makers (ages 3-7)
30 minute lesson- $38/month
Modern Band (ages 7+)
45 minute lesson- $45/month
Children's Choir (ages 6+)
30 minute lesson- $38/month
Withdrawal and Tuition Refund Policy: If a student chooses to withdraw from lessons, a 30-day written notice to the office at abundance is required. Verbal requests will not be honored. Failure to attend lessons does not qualify as notification. Failure to notify the office does not release a student from his/her financial obligation. Absent a written notice, full payment of monthly tuition will be expected. Partial refunds may be considered for extenuating circumstances such as prolonged illness or injury.
Delinquent Accounts: Abundance reserves the right to terminate instructional activities for any unpaid account balances.
Attendance: Each student has a designated lesson time and is responsible for that time. Regular attendance of lessons is the responsibility of parents and students. abundance expects students to regularly attend lessons and be prepared for each lesson.
Tardiness and Missed lessons: Except in the case of illness, lesson cancellations must be made 24 hours in advance. Cancellations and/or expected tardiness notifications must be made by telephone to our office and direct contact with your instructor. Lesson times will not be extended due to late arrival. Tuition is due regardless of missed lessons and refunds will not be given for no-shows or tardiness or without prior notice. Morning of due to illness is ok! Students are expected to notify the studio of any impending absences. Instructors may offer make-up lessons under certain circumstances, when advance notice is provided, but are not obligated to do so as their schedules are very packed. When make -up lessons are offered they may be scheduled out sometime within the semester and may not be immediate. Students will be allowed to reschedule three lessons per year. Excessive absence becomes unmanageable for our teachers to make up. If a teacher is absent for a lesson, a make-up lesson will be scheduled at a mutually convenient time or a substitute instructor may teach the lesson. If we have to cancel your lesson and a make up lesson cant be arranged we will refund or credit your account.
School Closings: If abundance is closed for an emergency such as bad weather, a public announcement will be made on Facebook. Lessons missed due to emergency closings may be rescheduled if space and time permit.
Behavior and Lesson Etiquette: Students are expected to treat each other, the staff and the building with courtesy and respect. Any discourteous or disrespectful behavior will result in immediate dismissal from the school. No food or drinks are allowed inside the music rooms except for water. Students should use the restroom and wash their hands before lessons. Students are expected to comply with all reasonable requests of their instructors. Parents are permitted and encouraged to sit in on student lessons but may not participate in a lesson. The expectation is to have the teacher engaging only with the student during direct instruction. Siblings, are not permitted to sit in on lessons as they can cause unnecessary distractions. Parents who choose to sit in on student lessons must refrain from making distracting noises and/or interjecting commentary or asking questions. Please save all questions for the end of the lesson before departing. Students are expected to be prepared for every lesson with their instrument, music, notebooks and completed assignments.
Instruments: Students are expected to have their own instruments and/or have access to an instrument for lessons and practicing. Students are expected to arrive for lessons with instruments in good working order. It is strongly recommended that piano students have an acoustic piano for practice (although better-quality electronic pianos may suffice at the early level). The quality of a student’s home instrument plays a significant role in the potential for success. Instructors can help with instrument selection. Note: Acoustic pianos should be tuned at least once a year and kept in working order. If you prefer a digital piano, please invest in a full-size keyboard (88 keys) with weighted, touch-sensitive keys and pedals.
Supplies: Students will be responsible for purchasing all lesson books recital repertoire and technique books as selected by instructors. Instructor will recommend technique book upon registration. Guitar kiddos need to have picks, a tuner and extra strings in their case. String students must provide their own rosin.
Summer lessons: Although not required, it is strongly recommended that students continue lessons during the summer in order to maintain the skills they acquire during the school year. Students who do not enroll for summer lessons are not guaranteed a spot in the studio for the next year as we do schedule summer lesson kiddos first for the returning Fall.
Drop-offs and Pickups: Abundance is not responsible for students whose parents fail to pick them up following the conclusion of lessons. To ensure your child’s safety, please be sure to pick him/her up promptly after classes or lessons. Children waiting in the abundance lobby are NOT supervised. Neither teachers nor administrative staff is responsible for supervising children outside of instruction times.
Recitals: There will be two recitals during the school year. A letter which provides information regarding these recitals will be given in advance. Once informal and one formal Spring Showcase at the Gryphon. For this show there is a $20 recital fee that covers tickets for all immediate family members. We always suggest a $5 donation at the door for additional guests. We will send out recital information before Spring Break to notify times, expectations, ect.
Practicing: Concentrated, regular practice times are essential to student progress. Students are expected to complete homework and to practice the recommended periods as assigned by their instructor. Students need access to daily, non-interrupted time for practicing. The most important time for students to practice is right after their weekly lesson, to solidify what they have just learned. Research has shown that retention of new knowledge drops to 60% after just 24 hours. Students should not “cram” right before their lesson. Students should practice at least 5 days per week. Students should complete assignments written in their assignment notebooks each time they practice. *Note: Beginners may require supervision and guidance from parents during the early stages of practicing.
Family Responsibilities: Parental involvement is crucial for student success. Please help your student establish and maintain a practice routine. If you are the parent of an elementary-aged student, please plan to sit with your child for a portion of their daily practice time. It is the role of parents and instructors to give encouragement and help students maintain an interest in musical progress. Your attitude toward your child’s music helps mold his/her musical likes and dislikes. Please encourage your child to do the best he/she can in all of the music. Your student and their teacher count on you to ensure that your student: arrives early for lessons, is prepared for lessons with their music and instrument, is picked up promptly following his/her lesson and practices every day.
Communication: The assignment notebook is the instructors’ means of communicating expectations, assignments, scheduling reminders and progress. We encourage you or your child to come to our staff with any concerns. As there will not be time for conferences between lessons, please schedule a time with your instructor to discuss any issues or a student’s progress.
Extra-Curricular Activities: Although this is a private music studio and is not affiliated with any school district, it is no less an educational institution and must be regarded as such. It is the position of this studio that lessons are to be treated with the same level of importance as any other subject your child may be studying in school or extracurricular activities that he or she may be involved with. Please respect the curriculum and the institution’s commitment to musical education by maintaining a priority level for musical studies equal to that of other school subjects.
Media Release: Photos of students and video/audio recordings of student projects/performances may be posted online and used by the instructor for promotional and workshop materials. Identifying information will be excluded or limited to first names only. Parents wishing to exempt their students from any published media may do so by providing a written exclusion request.
Nondiscrimination Policy: Abundance does not discriminate on the basis of age, race, color, nationality, ethnic origins, disability, religious beliefs, gender, or sexual orientation in its employment practices or in administration of its educational policies.
Special Needs / Access: If you or your child has any special needs, please contact the office. abundance is committed to accommodating differences so that the arts are accessible to all.